갤럭시아메타버스(주) ㅣ 대표이사 홍진표 ㅣ 사업자등록번호 351-86-02157 ㅣ 주소 : (06349) 서울특별시 강남구 광평로 281 수서오피스빌딩 1502호
Galaxia Metaverse Co., Ltd ㅣ CEO: Hong Jin-pyo ㅣ Business registration number: 351-86-02157 ㅣ Address: Suseo Office Building 1502, 281, Gwangpyeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Changes Balances
The balance of the centralized exchange has increased by
-25.3B Reduced
Current Balance
30-Day Average Balance
Changes Balances
The balance of the centralized exchange has increased by